October 16, 2010

Evil Dolly Slave Series 1

Hey pervs! Been a while. I got real busy with schoolwork and minecraft for a bit there, as well as a stint of some ERPing instead of writing. But I'm back to start posting again for all 3 of you who stuck around after my /d/ and PP fame faded. Tell your friends.

This little story is the first in a series of shorts I'm planning based on the Evil Dolly Slave Role Generator. I take a result from the generator that sounds appealing to me, and then I write a page or two describing a short scene based on that. Should be fun. Plans to come: More Lilly and the Raven, more evil dolly shorts, and some other shorts probably involving second person narration. Tentacles. Snuff. Stay tuned.

This post contains: BDSM, smoking, corsets

The Evil Dolly Slave Series
Corseted Ashtray

I was quickly out of breath when my Lady began to lead me about the mansion, the tight boning of my recently-tightened corset giving me all sorts of problems. The only comfort was that my Lady complimented me on how small my waist was getting, almost 16 inches now. Even with the corset off, as rare and brief as those periods were, my waist would stay in its new hourglass shape on its own. The leather binding of the overbust corset also made my otherwise unremarkable breasts swell hugely with each shallow breath. At first I had hated it, but after long and intense training, I could barely take my eyes off of the way the thing squeezed my body into the perfect shape. I didn't care that any strenuous activity threatened to make me faint. It was my purpose to wear this thing—and, of course, to be my Lady's personal ashtray.

I was ready to pass out when we finally arrived in my Lady's favorite lounge, a cozy room decorated in a Victorian style. My Lady greeted her friends merrily, bending over to kiss their cheeks, and I followed obediently behind. When she chose a plush leather seat, I quickly moved to get down on my knees by her right armrest, my tiny gray stain micro-skirt riding up around my legs. After only a few minutes of chatting, my Lady snapped her fingers in my face. At once I took the small black purse from my shoulder, drawing out a silver cigarette case and quickly removing a long white cigarette I had rolled myself when my Lady wasn't using me. Very gingerly, keeping myself out of sight as I had been taught, I poked the tip of the cigarette into my Lady's waiting lips, trembling with a little excitement, and flicked the golden Zippo alight and hold the flame to the tip, watching the smooth tendrils of smoke puff from my Lady's lip.

I tilted my head back, opening my mouth wide, exposing the silver disc pierced into my tongue. For many weeks I had worn elastic mounts inside of my mouth to hold it open at all times, until I learned to be a good ashtray. Now, opening my mouth after lighting my Lady's cigarette is the favorite part of my day. I waited patiently, mouth tirelessly open, until my Lady casually flicked the end of her burning cylinder without bothering to look at me. She knew I would be in the right place, and being such a useful ashtray made me feel so good I almost forgot to keep my breaths shallow to avoid the biting pain of my corset. The taste of ash in my mouth was as bitter and grimy as always. I remember how much I had gagged, and even thrown up, when I first started. I had been a very poor ashtray back then, but now I was much better. I quickly mashed up the ashes in my mouth and swallowed them, opening my mouth to receive the next flick and do it again.

When my Lady's cigarette finally burned down to a little nub, she casually extinguished it in my mouth. Most of the time, she would easily find the little metal plate pierced into my tongue for that purpose, but every now and then, like this time, she would miss. The burning cherry of the cigarette mashed into to the tip of my tongue, my Lady grinding it from side to side to snuff it out as she always did. I winced, but I knew a good ashtray wouldn't yelp or scream, or even whine, so I didn't. It was still a little scary to hear my flesh sizzle, but I was determined to be good. When my Lady's hand pulled away, I plucked the butt off of my tongue and reached down to put my hand under my skirt, sliding the spent cigarette into my latex-lined (what used to be a) cunt with the other butts. I closed my mouth for now and turned the silver case over and over in my hand, squirming a bit as my corset poked me, savoring the bitter, dry taste in my mouth, hoping my Lady would want another cigarette very soon.  

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