October 03, 2010

Lilly And The Raven - Part 6

Part 6 ends chapter 3 and starts chapter 4. The story begins to move in a new direction after chapter 4, so stick around. Check out the series page for parts 1-5.

In this post: Amazoness, elves, prostitution, cock expansion, bukakke, masturbation, futa-on-girl, milking/lactation

The next day, I examined my cock in the daylight. It had most definitely grown. It was now almost a foot long, five inches at least in girth. It felt massive as I held it, but it didn't sag at all when it stood erect. My breasts had grown too, another three inches in the last week. They were now bigger than my head, and none of the close fitting dresses I owned could contain them any more. I had ordered new ones, adding another five inches to my bust measurement in anticipation of how large they would be when the dresses were completed. The tailor had sent a messenger, asking if my measurements were correct. The messenger could see quite clearly for himself. They felt heavy, but didn't bother me. As the man grows in me, so does the woman, I thought to myself. It was romantic at the time.

Every night I bought a new body to ravage. Sometimes I would be the most tender of lovers, thoughtful, deliberate, giving my lover countless orgasms before I ever penetrated her. Other times I would attack them as I had the red haired girl, ravage them violently and quickly, raping them with such abandon that it frightened even me. My moods seemed random, but I went wherever they took me. I always picked Human girls, usually small but buxom. Months went on, and I started buying two or three a night. I would go out in early evening, when the sun had just begun to turn red, find a girl with pouty lips or beautiful lipstick and buy a blowjob. Always I made them swallow my seed, no exceptions. Then I would wander the streets, visit the few open shops. In a few hours I would find a new girl, take her to some dark corner and kiss her, feel her body, get worked up until I felt that if I didn't feel hands or lips or pussy against my cock soon I would burst, and then I would leave her. I would stalk the buffet until my eye settled on one girl in particular, guided by my lust, and take her off somewhere to love her or rape her, it didn't matter. Other times I would buy two girls at the same time, or three. I would take them to little hostels and watch as they all got on their knees before me, each taking turns pleasuring me. I'd line them up on the bed like my own mini buffet, sampling this one then that one, until finally the one I liked best would feel the full force of my passion and take my cum inside of her.
Each time, my cock got a little bit bigger, a little bit harder. My breasts got a little bit bigger along side, a little fuller, more supple. But they ached. Always I had heard that large breasts were supposed to give you back problems, but it was my breast themselves that ached. Occasionally some mysterious liquid would stain the front of my clothes, leaking just a bit from my nipples. I didn't know what to do, so I just ignored it as best I could.

One cold winter night, after my fourth girl of the day had been recently ravaged, I was soaking in a hot tub in my private powder room. My cock was erect again already, the head resting on my sternum, the hot water making it ache for the hot embrace of pussy—a young one, yes, one of the child whores pimped out by those crooked-toothed men...But my breasts simply ached too much to go out again. I ran my hands over them. My bust measured two feet now. I gave them a squeeze around the nipple to see if it dulled or distracted the pain a little bit, and a white liquid shot suddenly out from them, accompanied by the immense relief felt after holding one's bladder too long. I gave a startled yelp, then squeezed them again, feeling that relief wash over me. I squeezed and pulled forward against them, and the white liquid came out even faster, fuller, turning the clear bath water a murky white. I milked my tits as fast as I could, the relief almost orgasmic after holding in this milk for so long. When no more milk came, I released them, and they glowed with pleasure and contentment as if I had just finished off another little whore. I basked in that contentment and the steam of the bath and masturbated, as I hadn't done in months and months, as if in celebration. It hardly seemed fair, that my breasts could have release but my poor cock couldn't! So I worked that giant shaft as well as I could, lifting it out of the steamy water, then dipping it back in as it began to dry, the temperature changes driving me wild.
Finally the release came, and I at last understood what I had done to hundreds of women these past months. I always I had expended my passion buried deep in their wonderful little pussies or down their welcoming throats. Now I saw what my tremendous girth could do as a huge jet of semen blasted into my face from just a few inches away. I let out a little cry in surprise, and the next blast found its way with tremendous accuracy into my mouth. Reeling, shocked, but cumming, I thrashed as if in a fit in the bathtub, filled with shock and ecstasy at the same time as another huge blast hit my face, and lost some of its energy, dribbling onto my tits. Another shot, less powerful now, dumped another load onto my tits, then a small dribble. I gave my glowing member one more stroke, pushing out the last of my spent seed onto my waiting chest, then collapsed into the tub, careful to not to let the semen be washed away. I panted for a few moments, then got out of the tub, walking over to the mirror to see myself. I could barely see my face beneath the huge swaths of semen, even as it slid down and fell onto my breasts, which were also soaked with that filmy white liquid. My cock hung enormous between my legs, nearly reaching my knees in its semi-erect state. I watched it retreat to its easily manageable size, watched gravity pull all the cum to the floor so slowly. I felt well and truly spent. Milked and then milked, I thought. I washed up, and went to bed.

Chapter 4
The Slut Within

My routine became utterly depraved, and I loved it. I'd stay out all night, come home, sleep the whole day away, and get up only to leave again and find more flesh to satisfy myself with. I would milk myself when I got up, and before I went to sleep. At first I did it out of necessity, but then I grew to take nearly orgasmic pleasure in it as my breasts became even larger. They were even bigger, now, than the raven haired whore of whom I had dreamed so long ago. They came to rest just above my navel, so full that they stuck out three feet, and maintained their perfectly formed, symmetrical shape. I could only cover them with men's dress shirts that would never button, tucked into my microscopic skirts and belted with corsets that I tied tighter each night. I found a shoemaker who made me the impossible tip-toe heels of the common streetwalker. Adding eight inches to my height made me appear like a giant. The way I was forced to walk in those unforgiving arches made my bare legs tense all the time, the powerful muscles of my thighs visible like lines of charcoal drawn onto my skin. I was constantly approached by men trying to buy me, absolutely dumbfounded by my freakishly huge breasts, and I turned them all down no matter how much they offered. Money meant absolutely nothing to me, and I had in my possession the one thing a man could possibly have to offer me. They were like insects, these men. All men. I cared only for the women whom I hadn't yet ravaged, and that number was dwindling. News of the Elf woman with colossal breasts and a special, even more gigantic surprise somehow tucked under her skirt was in the ear of every prostitute in Al Zitti. Few would submit to accepting such a giant cock, and eventually I could only find the most desperate of whores, and even they would only agree to suck on it. I longed to feel it inside a tight, hot pussy again.

And that's when she found me, the one I had never seen out here, offering her body on the buffet. I almost didn't recognize her as she stood before me, for I hadn't thought of her in months. But I caught the glimpse of those sapphire eyes and it all came flooding back. It was she, the raven haired one from my dream, the one who had shattered my last flimsy hope for a normal life! Her breasts were twice as big as I remembered them now, and seeing her for the first time standing up I saw that she was only a few inches shorter than me, but it appeared we would meet eye to eye once our punishing shoes were off.

“How much for a fuck?” She asked me, licking her lips the way she had in my dream. I was absolutely raptured by her. I stared into her eyes, and I could see something strange there. They were vacant, somehow! She was driven by absolute lust, yes, I knew this, for my eyes looked this way each evening when I looked in the mirror. Pure, carnal, instinctual, insatiable lust. The possibility of her exploded in my mind, this Human woman who was almost as big as me, whose breasts also heaved, nearly exposed, covering her whole torso. She would not be a dainty flower for me to crush or caress at a whim, she would be my equal in power and lust. What had driven her to the absolute zenith of lust and depravity that I had found, had thought I occupied alone? What did she want from me that she could not find selling herself on the streets?

She gave me a questioning look, her eyes never gaining their own sentience. Well, the time had come, hadn't it? Time for me to become what I had wanted to be all along.

“Well,” I said, my mouth dry, “Two copper and you can do whatever you want to me.” Excitement rushed through me like it hadn't since those first days. To sell myself so cheaply! The going rate was a hundred gold.
“My,” The raven hair beauty replied, “What a cheap slut you are.”
“Yes.” Was the only answer I could make, and she slipped her arm around my waist and lead me away to a nicer part of town. To her own home, I realized as we stepped in, for again I smelled her smell in that place.

Immediately she turned after closing the door and pulled off her flimsy top, her tits spilling out like an avalanche of flesh. She tossed her hair and took two big strides to crush herself against me, straining to overcome the distance created by the mass of flesh smashed between us, and locked her mouth on mine. I barely had to bend my head to meet her, and I felt her power flung against me like the crashing waves against a cliff face, flowing into me through her hands as they felt along my arms, down my back, over the sculpted contours of my ass. I kissed her back, furiously, not to be outdone. My fingers raked through her gorgeous fine hair, lingered on her shoulders, felt boldly the inside of her thighs. We were like dueling titans as we stumbled, locked together at the mouth around her home. One held another against the wall, crushing her to it, until she gained the upper hand and forced the other one against a table, trying to push the other onto her back, into submission, and the tide would turn again. She ripped off my shirt and I tore at her skirt, falling to the ground on top of her as she stumbled with it wrapped around her knees. We grappled there even as we kissed, even our tongues dueling. Neither one of us would ever give up.

My cock had become hard the second the struggle began, and it rubbed constantly against her flesh, wedged between her breasts or beating against her like a club as we struggled to overpower each other. Her body was becoming slick with my lubrication, the flawless skin rubbing against the sensitive under side felt too good, made me lose strength. She rolled on top of me, straddling over my hips and grabbed my breasts, which responded with a sudden short gush of milk. She cried in surprise as I cried in pleasure. It was late evening and I was desperately in need of a milking. The raven haired one grinned and grabbed me by the hands, pulling me up. We both stumbled along, our impossible shoes clattering loudly on the wood floor, as she pulled me to another room. It was her wash room, a gas lamp already lit inside. Before I knew what was happening she had got me to my knees, was bending me over the ivory tub. I struggled, trying to grab at her leg and throw her off balance to get on top of her again, but she had me compromised, pressing her whole weight against my collapsed pelvis so that I could only squirm and try in vain to dislodge her. My cock ached, unbearably turned on by the frantic struggle that I was losing for the first time!

She grabbed my breasts again and squeezed, pulling downward as I had done a thousand times. Except these weren't my hands, I wasn't alone in my wash room doing what must be done and only vaguely enjoying it. This gorgeous, evil, powerful Human girl had me powerless in her home, milking me like cattle, breathing breathless questions into my hair about how it felt, calling me a whore and a slut for liking it so much. I couldn't have spoken to tell her, I had no words at all. Each pull was like an orgasm in itself. My mouth opened, my body went limp, my eyes rolled up and I could no longer struggle. For hours it seemed like she milked me, until the basin swam with a thin coat of milk and she released me. I struggled to stand up, and now she helped me, tenderly. I still felt her exuding power, but I couldn't fight it. She led me back to her bedchamber and laid me out on her bed, as I had done to her in my dream. She crawled on top of me, running her hand over the two feet of my burning hot cock. It lay nestled between my breasts, and she took one in each hand, closing them around it, and slowly pushed back and forth, massaging my cock with my own tits. I wanted to fight back, to seize her wrists and throw her over beside me, pounce on top of her and rub it between her tits, but I couldn't. It felt so good I couldn't move. She lowered herself as she slowly pleasured me of me, her breasts surrounding the other length of my member, and closed her lips around the head of my cock. They were just as supple, wet, and tight as they had felt in my dream. Her tongue felt rough but somehow smooth as she licked and probed.

I realized that, whatever had happened in her life, somehow she had seen cocks bigger than this. She knew how to handle it perfectly but more than that-- she loved it more than any normal cock she had ever known.
My desire for her flared suddenly at that moment. She could give me what I had wanted, had burned for for weeks now! My strength returned, a burst of primal, animal strength as I rolled over onto her, pinning her finally beneath me. She didn't struggle now. I had been in her power, now she would be in my power. We could go back and forth for all eternity.

I fumbled frantically to get myself into position, to guide my member to the spot between those spread legs that could give me what I wanted at long last. Her face contorted as I pushed in with a long cry of ecstasy and release, feeling the immensely tight fit of my freakish cock inside of her. It was tighter even than the little red head's ass had been when I raped her. But I could see on her face that this was what she wanted, that it reminded her of something she had known, something she had desired for a long time. Our passionate moans and screams went on almost ceaselessly, I was instantly lost in utter abandon from the pleasure, each moment itself an orgasm stretched over a hundred years, each thrust more earth shaking than the last. Her capacity to yield to my massive girth was astonishing, I could see the faint bulge beneath her skin as I ravaged her as fast and as hard as I could. Her pussy felt deeper than any I had felt, tighter, hotter, slicker, more textured, like a million tiny hands and open mouths massaged my member as it plowed into her. I watched in a trance as her enormous breasts heaved back and forth in time with my frantic plowing, nearly hitting her in the face and then nearly slapping against her thighs. My own breasts hung immensely heavy from my chest, slapping against hers in ceaseless, hypnotic rhythm. I drew myself up, my back straight, kneeling on the bed and pulling her up at an angle to penetrate her and pulled her to me as I thrust with my hips, and she ground her hips in a circular motion, jerking back and forth randomly. I couldn't count how many times she had cum, it seemed for her to be one long, endless orgasm of ever increasing intensity. Her whole body was tense with the pleasure of it, her face a mask of concentrated bliss.

I felt the end fast approaching. I felt my mind melting, my body becoming that beacon of pure energy, focusing down, down, down to one point, ready to burst forth. I tore my cock from her and she fell limply onto the bed. I collapsed to the side, and my cock pointed straight at the ceiling and began to cum so violently I nearly lost consciousness. The cum shot out of me in a huge geyser, the contractions deep inside of me so rapid and so powerful that the flow never broke. My cock swelled to twice its normal size, the orgasm going on longer and longer than anything I had experienced before. Huge gobs of cum showered me and the raven haired whore, covered our naked bodies head to toe. I was straining to hold my cock upright, to keep the shower going, but its sudden growth and weight too much for me. My arms gave out, and my cock crashed against me like a bludgeon with a loud, wet thud, and still my orgasm went on. Now just an inch from my face, my wild, uncontrollable member poured steaming hot cum into my face, filling my mouth as it opened in a gasp, matting down my hair and soaking the bed around me. Longer and longer it went on, it seemed it would never stop. For fully twenty seconds after my member had crashed down on me it dumped that liquid into my face, the whole episode lasting almost two minutes. I was exhausted, spent beyond words, completely unable to move when at last it finished. I laid there until the cum was cold against my skin, and the raven haired girl never stirred beside me. Finally I mustered the strength to reach up, to wipe the semen from my eyes and open them. My cock was still erect, but it felt content. It was bright red and the veins were thick as ropes on the mast of a ship. I shifted to my side, feeling huge globs of cum slide off of me, to look at my lover. She was laying as I had left her, legs spread, arms at her sides. She was staring up at the ceiling, but she was wide awake, basking in the glow of her hour long orgasm.  

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