Commission info

To commission, send an email to: with 'commission' in the subject line. 

Commissions are currently open and I have 0 in queue. If you have a character, a story idea, a scenario, fetishes, whatever, that you'd like to see me do, I'm all ears. Shoot me an email and we will discuss the specifics of what you're looking for in the work. I currently only accept payments through paypal.

Prices: This is the important part, I guess. All commissions have a 2000 word minimum. This is about 3 pages of 12pt, single spaced, times new roman text. The first 2000 words is $50, or 2.5 cents per word, and 4 cents per word after that. This is much cheaper than what a typical short fiction publisher would pay for 'normal' work. We can work out an approximate length before I start on the commission so that you'll know how much you'll be paying. All completed stories are delivered as-is, read the work posted on this blog and expect approximately that quality of work. Obviously I improve with practice. :)

Email: The address to contact me about commissioning is Please put 'commission' in the subject line of your email if you're contacting me about work. Some things to consider when you write me: What specific elements you want included in the story, the approximate length that you would like (see also: 'Prices' above), and anything that you do not want included in the story that you might reasonably expect me to include based on what you're asking for (eg, pissing but no scat).

Note-- "Private" commissions and limitations: If you don't wish for your commission to be posted on my blog, the cost is 5 cents per word for the entire length. Please note that due to blogspot's content restrictions, I cannot post stories containing incest or bestiality on this blog, therefore commissions containing those things are "private" by default. Due to my personal taste, stories that deal with exclusively anthropomorphic ("furry") characters also fall in this category. Stories involving characters under the age of 16 in sexual situations I will not do at all.

Copyright: I am not selling publishing rights by accepting a commission. I ask that you only re-publish my work in spaces that are free to access and provide credit and a link back to me, or work out a compensation strategy if you publish it for profit.