October 01, 2010

Lilly And The Raven - Part 5

October begins...and today we reach page 17 of 49 of Lilly. New original work tomorrow or the day after~ Check out the series page for parts 1-4.

In this post: Amazoness, elves, prostitution, rape, anal

But of course I couldn't stay away from such pleasure once I had known it. My feet would not sit still come evening time, as the sun fell below the horizon, when I knew the buffet of writhing, sensuous bodies awaited me in another part of the city. Such behavior, so strictly forbidden my whole life. To even think about sex before marriage, let alone sex outside of marriage, was simply unheard of. Hardly tolerated at all, especially in the girls. Now it was mine, for marriage meant nothing, and I was too far from home for anyone there to ever know or care. The excitement I felt breaking the old taboos was almost as delightful as the physical act itself. And I had only done it once, in truth! Sucking that man's dick, when was it? Ah yes, wedding night, to prove that I was his property. It meant nothing. A thousand open mouths would swallow my cum now, and I would never have to be the one doing the swallowing ever again. I had the power and the freedom of any man in the city! The thing I rebelled against the most had become the hedonism I abandoned myself to. I hadn't even realized I had left the house until I was half way to the place I had been last night, dressed now in my shortest skirt and most revealing top, with my lips painted a deep shade of red, the rouge heavy on my cheeks, the kohl thick around my eyes. My wavy blond hair was clipped behind me but otherwise hung loose, bangs hanging in my face exotically, mysteriously. My ears had no jewels on them for the first time in years, and I loved how smooth and slender they felt without the cold catch of metal against my fingers as I stroked their wandering expanse from base to tip. I was always a bit vain about my ears, so long and slender...

I walked through the buffet even slower than before, in the shadows again to avoid being picked out by another perusing customer. I still had no idea what I would say if approached, and dimly I entertained the idea of accepting, going to some filthy alleyway and sucking off a stranger for a sum of coins so tiny I would have thrown it into the hat of a street musician though it could feed a regular family for a week. But no—that was no longer me. I was no longer the woman. I was the form of a woman, with the power of a man. The way the world should be, the aggression and power of men in the safekeeping of delicate feminine hands

As I said I drank in the sights even more slowly today. The bare legs, the ample bosoms barely covered, the sensual curve of the feet forced to stand nearly vertical. I wondered where I could get a pair of shoes like theirs. But now one caught my eye, another dainty Human girl, much more trashy than the innocent little country girl I had dominated the night before. She was taller than that one, her red hair was like a flame in the night. She wore only a bra of leather and a leather skirt that looked like a blindfold stretched to cover the bare minimum of her hips. Her legs looked like they were carved from marble, her eyes were heavily circled with dark paint, and her stance was utterly confident, endlessly sexual. I could already feel my pulse racing as I approached her and found her much less perturbed by me than the girl the night before. She asked no questions but came with me after naming her price, which shocked me as it was barely a fifth of what I had paid the other girl. I pulled her close to me as we walked to a hostel and rested my hand on her ass, feeling the way it shifted back and forth with each step. What a pair we must have looked! The tall Elf and the sexy, confident Human, both barely dressed, walking so close their sides touched.

Something about her demeanor and confidence woke something primal in me. I had known all possibilities with the country girl the night before, but now my focus was clear. The defiance and cavalier attitude of this one infuriated me in a very cold, dispassionate way. I wanted to break her spirit, to crush her confidence and leave her shaken. I wanted to dominate her like she had never been dominated, force her to submit to my will. As we stepped into our private room she asked for payment. I produced it, held it out to her, then snatched it away as she reached for it. She stared at me incredulously. I threw the money past her, smirking as it clattered on the hard floor.

“Pick it up.” I commanded. She narrowed her eyes but turned and bent down to retrieve it. I closed the gap between us in two long strides and swung my hand as hard as I could, slapping the exposed skin of her ass with a deafening report in the tiny room. She toppled over, unable to keep any balance in her impractical shoes. When she whipped around, fury on her face, I was already upon her, grabbing her arms and hoisting her off the floor and off her feet. She cried out, and it just filled me with even more satisfaction. I took the few steps to the bed and dropped her on it. To my surprise she started to scramble away from me, startled and frightened. I grabbed one thrashing ankle and dragged her back towards me, reaching with the other hand to pull her skirt down around her knees with one great jerk. I released her ankle and transferred both hands to her shoulders, pinning her face down on the bed. I could feel that lustful abandon coming over me again, driving my actions as if by steam power rather than conscious will. She cursed me, and I grabbed her arms again, flinging her from the bed and onto the floor like a rag doll, listening to her thud and clatter. She scrambled to her feet again and I grabbed her with one hand around the throat, lifting her just enough that her feet became useless. Still she struggled and cursed. With my free hand I pulled up my skirt and freed my raging member. It felt like a hot iron rod in my hand and I could see that it was visibly larger than I remembered it. She stared at it like it was a weapon and froze against my grip. I forced her to her knees before me, and in her terror she was beginning to submit. I held her by her fiery red hair and jerked her head back to look up at me. Kneeling just a bit because I was still so much taller than her, I began to rub my member on her face. It gushed lubrication, and her face began to shine in the lamp light, slick and sticky. I could sense her humiliation, and it just turned me on even more. Twice she asked me to stop, and both times I lifted my member and then with one violent jerk slapped it hard against her face. The sting felt unutterably wonderful. After I had my fill and wanted to move on, I released her and told her to get on the bed, on all fours. Meekly she did this, but I could still see she was only biding her time until this was over.

I was too tall to take her standing from behind, so I knelt on the edge of the bed behind her and quickly found her orifice and forced my way inside, heedless of the inadequate lubrication. Ah, the squeezing, hot ecstasy of that delicate canal! This one was was so different from my dainty blond beauty. I pounded her as hard as I could, forcing her to give into me, daring her with each stroke to attempt to escape me. Soon enough my member became slick enough to glide even faster through her insides. The slapping sound of my hips against her ass filled the room until it was louder than her cries and my moans. I eyed the tiny slit of her anus the whole time, wondering, wondering...

She finally cried out for me to stop, a fatal mistake. I was enraged that she would dare, that she would dare! To question me, to attempt to exact anything from me but the cruel thrust of my member into her. She should be glad to have only that! And so I did pull out of her, and her relief was evident in her sudden sigh. But I grabbed the cheeks of her ample little ass and pulled them apart, resetting myself. No! She cried out again, but I spit onto her tiny, winking anus and then drove my cock as hard as I could against its unyielding push. I pulled back and tried again, and it opened just a little bit. She was struggling to get away, but it was hopeless, I was too big, too strong. I held her there like a pin in the body of a butterfly. After much coaxing that most stubborn orifice yielded to me and she screamed in real pain. Part of me lost its nerve, but the other part redoubled its passion in compensation, and I pushed and pushed until I could truly go no deeper. I could see her bleeding, but I didn't care. I held her down and thrust, each one coming a little easier than the last. I was absolutely entranced by the tightness of it. So tight! I couldn't thrust more than half an inch back and forth it held me so tight, but each thrust was five times more pleasurable for it.

I wanted to feel her body and spirit break beneath me, so I went slow. I pumped her ass non stop for half an hour, until her trembling arms finally gave out and she collapsed against the bed, her hips held in the air by the strength of the cock ravaging it. She went limp and no longer struggled. I worked her ass faster, building up that complete abandonment of thought, feeling the torrent of pleasure approaching faster and faster, alarmingly fast. As soon as I felt my body tense up and get ready to release its pent up ecstasy, I pulled out of her, jerked around to lay on her back, scrambled on top of her, stroking the head of my cock as fast as I could as I positioned it over her face. And again it came, as wonderful and earth-shattering as ever, and I watched as each rapid contraction spilled another great torrent of sticky white cum onto her pretty, defeated little face. Her defeat, her violation, her humiliation made everything about this moment all the stronger. It fed off of her submission, like a hungry beast it devoured her dignity and washed it away in a torrent of hot white semen. I stared down at her for a long while, panting, feeling the contentment of release and the satisfaction of orgasm, of defeating her defiant spirit. I watched the cum slide slowly down the sides of her face to drip into her hair, to drag her makeup in filthy streaks behind it until she looked a horror. Her eyes were open, but she looked away from me and never attempted to meet my eyes. She didn't move, even after I had dressed, picked up my money from the floor, and left her there, broken on the rented bed.  

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