September 30, 2010

The Goddess's Fate - Part 3

Yesterday was crazy, so no post. Sorry! Here's the end of chapter 1 for The Goddess's Fate. Lots more perverted stuff to come now that the setup is almost done! Check out the series page for parts 1 and 2.

In this post: BDSM, straight sex

When Athyra opened her eyes again, she realized that she had fallen asleep. Her whole body still buzzed and vibrated with the expert attention given it by Fame's minions. At the thought of them she realized the two women were still at her side, their hands draped casually over her midsection and their arms pillowing her head. They were both asleep, an unguarded sleep that made their beautiful faces seem even more angelic and perfect. She noticed that they had taken off their corsets, though she couldn't remember when. Slowly she remembered why she had come here in the first place and realized she would need to speak to Fame before leaving to find out what the next step was.

The two girls woke up as she dislodged herself from between them and scampered to put her robe back on. When she looked back she saw them watching her, looking very relaxed and satisfied with themselves. Their look said, yeah, we know you loved every second of that, little-miss-goddess, and we could do it all again in a heart beat. Athyra tried not to be offended, or tempted for that matter. She felt she should say something but nothing came to mind. She left before the whole ordeal could start getting awkward.

It took her some time to find her way back to the main hall and finally to Fame's quarters. She had been distracted by their conversation. Luckily Fame was back on the edge of the bed where she had first met him. The olive skinned elf was back as well, on her knees with her hands still tied behind her back. Dahlia was also there, standing over the elf and holding a wine glass to the girl's lips. As Athyra got closer she could see what she took to be wine was actually a glass full of cum. Horrified, she stood there watching as Dahlia tipped the glass back, forcing the girl to drink. The elf managed to gulp down three quarters of it before she finally sputtered and spat, coughing and gagging. Fame watched with a serious expression while Dahlia laid into the girl, ferociously slapping her across the face left and right. The elf toppled over, huge gobs of thick cum gushing out of her mouth with each cough. Dahlia stepped on her right breast with her stiletto boot. The girl couldn't manage a scream.

“You will learn to be a good whore,” Dahlia's voice was bone-chillingly calm while still managing to sound utterly threatening. “So help me, you will learn.”
“Yes mistress,” the elf moaned in a tiny voice. Dahlia hauled the girl back to her knees with a handful of hair. She produced another glass of cum and put it to the girl's lips. Athyra was still frozen by mute terror and fascination. This time the elf girl managed to down the whole thing with five big gulps. She gasped for air and looked momentarily sick, groaning painfully and desperately, but she kept it all down. Only then did Fame notice Athyra standing there in mute horror.

“Ah! Athyra my love, welcome back,” he said. “Did Eva and Alleya treat you well?”
Dahlia's head snapped around to look straight at Athyra when Fame spoke her name, and the two of them locked eyes. The intensity of the woman's stare was new to Athyra who found it somewhat threatening but also rather annoying. The elf girl stared at the floor and breathed heavily.
“I suppose. We had a nice chat.” She said, finally tearing her eyes away from Dahlia's. Fame laughed heartily. More than a few of the girls around the pool picked up the laughter in hollow tones. The effect in the cavernous room was very eerie.
“I'm sure you did, my sweet. Have you come to finish our business?”
Athyra nodded, glad that Fame wasn't headed down some verbose tangent again.
“Very good, very good. Dahlia, my love, attend to me a moment.”

Dahlia's gaze finally left Athyra, who discovered she had been holding her breath. The look she gave Fame was one of utter love and devotion. A warm smile spread across her face, an expression that looked almost alien on her.
“It's come to my attention that our dearest friend Athyra has fallen into a similar situation that I was in about, oh, twenty centuries back. Do you remember that, my sweet?”
Dahlia nodded.
“It is my sincerest hope that my dear friend Athyra manages to avoid her fate in the same way that I did. You understand?”
Dahlia's head turned, her smile gone. She fixed Athyra in another gaze, full of contempt.
“This one?” She asked. Her voice was deep and smooth as silk, shockingly cold but intriguing.
“Yes, she's the one my love.” Athyra nodded to her, hoping she would look away again. She did not.
“Yesssss,” Dahlia drew out the sibilant in an uncannily serpentine way, “Yes, I see. It would not do at all. I hope that all goes well for her.”
Fame smiled at Athyra. She could easily interpret that the matter was done now.
“Now Dahlia my sweet, come here and finish the job that bitch couldn't even start.”

Dahlia laughed a cruel, twisted laugh. With a kick she sent the elf sprawling head first into the pool and turned to jump on top of Fame, who immediately began ripping her clothes off. Athyra watched in alarm as the elf sank, her hands still tied behind her back. Before she knew what she was doing, she was kneeling by the water's edge, groping in the pool to grab her. She caught a handful hair and hauled it up, searching for the girl's arm. After much struggling and a lot of splashing she hauled the girl out. The elf gasped for air and coughed up mouthfuls of water.

“How could you do that,” Athyra demanded furiously, turning back to Fame. Dahlia was already on top of him, naked, the enormous girth of the god somehow shoved into her pussy. The two of them looked innocently at Athyra.

“Athyra my love, none of them can die here,” Fame explained patiently. Athyra knew that, but the cruelty of it...she couldn't express it. All she wanted to do was scream at him in blind rage. A few moments of impotent anger was all she could take. She finally summoned up a gateway back to her own realm, and slumped down in the white, icy coolness of her own halls. She felt like she had forgotten something back in Fame's realm, but she didn't know what it could be.  

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