September 23, 2010

Chemistry Katie

A short story inspired by a 'bimbofication' thread on 4chan. May become a recurring character.

This post contains: Straight sex, prostitution, mind control, transformation, bimbofication, gang-bang

Chemistry Katie
By Writefag34

 Katie sighed, stripping off her plain shoes and pulling the band out of her soft brunette hair keeping it in a rather sedated ponytail. Another friday night wasted at the bar, watching all the guys mill around her like she wasn't even there. She tried hiking her skirt up this week, still looking like a librarian with her heavy khaki skirt and white blouse (buttoned to the neck), but still feeling almost naked with a few more inches of leg showing it, but no one even seemed to notice. She looked at herself in the mirror, feeling ready to cry again at the image of herself. Stringy brown hair that always laid flat and slightly unkempt, a rather large, bulbous nose, thin lips, big dorky pink glasses, unnoticeable A cup breasts, a shapeless waist, flat butt, and stick legs with chicken knees. She could see with horror the slight band of shapeless fat around her gut that she could never get rid of, but at least she wasn't fat...yet. She could already feel her depression pulling her in the direction of the freezer section at the 7-11 at the end of the block.

“I look like a cross-dressing boy,” she moaned to the mirror. She turned to the side, putting her hands over her non-existent breasts, looking at the profile of her flat ass. Her high-heel pumps were the only feminine looking part of her. She sighed again, “At least I have girly feet.”

Stripping off her blouse and skirt, she stood there for a few moments, looking at her shapeless body in the mirror, standing there in nothing but her cotton grannie-panties for a few minutes. She felt an unaccountable anger at herself welling up inside of her—anger at the world, too, for being so unfair to her. Smart girls needed love too! She had to be down in the lab while all the other girls were at the gym...not that working out would do much to salvage what genetics had given her.

At the mere thought of genetics, her mind raced off again, thinking about amino acids, punnet squares, inheritance...She walked away from the mirror, forgetting her sadness for a while as she pondered her future profession with a sense of dread. It was all she had, really—she could never be like her mother.
Katie slipped into a hot bath, thinking about her mother. She was the polar opposite of Kaite—tall, blond, buxom, and a little slow. She had been a dancer in several major Vegas shows that toured around the country, and Katie also suspected that she had been a stripper when she was younger. Her parents always curiously avoided the subject of how they met, saying only that they met at one of her mother's “shows”. Katie wondered to herself why she couldn't have been given her mother's genes—at least for her body. Even just a little bit, enough to curve her waist a bit and give her some B-cups at least. Then she wouldn't be a twenty year old virgin and the good looking guys would be too busy admiring her to be intimidated by her intelligence. For the hundredth time recently, she thought, fitfully, that so much energy had been expended on her brains that there was nothing left to find her a mate to pass on her genes. Darwin had failed her. Or perhaps she had failed him...or just proved him right. She sighed and slipped beneath the surface of the water.

Katie woke up the next morning with a strange but familiar feeling at the back of her head. She had an idea. She had no idea what it was, or even what it could be, so she ignored it. She had learned how to handle her ideas decades ago, they often came to someone as smart as her. Every brilliant person she knew described some similar feeling and an accompanying ritual designed to appease whatever muse had taken a liking to them. Hers was to simply ignore it, and in time it would either go away or pop up fully formed in her head in a classic Eureka! situation. She went about her day accordingly, putting on a long khaki skirt and a black button-up blouse with long sleeves, skin tone pantyhose, and some flat shoes, and heading straight to the lab to put in some weekend work.

Her idea hit her almost as soon as she walked into the lab and saw an open journal on the page that she had left there the previous evening. A study had been published detailing the theoretical basis of a procedure that might allow organisms to alter their genetic code in order to activate recessive or latent genes. The idea popped up in her head at once, perfectly formed, perhaps the most genius breakthrough in science since the Einstein field equations. Not only did she know that it could be done—she knew exactly how to do it! A procedure was already fully formed in her head, one that would activate and accentuate the waiting genes of her mother, and do it rapidly! She stood in the middle of the lab, marveling, her whole body tense, as if she'd received an electric shock. The possibility of side-effects never crossed her mind as she set instantly to work, though the possibility of her death through total failure did. Accordingly, she first typed up her theory, equations, and proofs on the computer with rigorous detail, her normally halting an incomplete thoughts flying out of her as fast as she could type them, fully formed and crystal clear to anyone with a passing knowledge of genetics and chemistry. She wrote down every single step so that anyone could replicate what she had done, or even reverse engineer it. She refused to wait for peer review, analysis, animal testing, ethics committees, FDA approval...she'd be an old maid by the time anyone was willing to try this on humans. She set to work at once, her heart racing as she broke every single rule in the book.

It took Kaite nearly 28 straight hours of sleepless work to finally get it right. Her luck was supreme in that no one else showed up at the lab while she labored away on her highly illegal self-experiment, the details of her breakthrough sitting open and unsaved on the computer screen. She was left with a small vial of blue liquid, looking like little more than dyed tap water. She held it up to the light after taking it out of the centrifuge. The purity looked perfect. After rigorous double-checking that took a few more hours, she decided that she had done everything correctly, and the best method of introduction into her system would be transdermal. She agonized for a bit, then decided that a soaked garment would be the best bet. She packed up her concoction and shut down the lab, her unsaved document disappearing with the picture on the monitor.

When she got home again, Katie went straight to bed and slept for sixteen hours, waking up just in time to go to class Monday morning. Groggy but still giddy with anticipation, she showered eagerly, being unashamed of her body for the first time in her life, knowing that if she was even close to being right it would all be different very soon. She sat through her classes without hearing a word any of her professors said and only just barely managing to respond when people she knew from the lab spoke to her. All she could think about was testing her brilliant theory, seeing herself up on the stage the next major conference, delivering the most ground-breaking discovery in the field of genetics in history, looking gorgeous as she did so. I might even win a Nobel prize...

She decided that evening, arriving home again, to carry out her test on thursday night. If it worked, she could finally get what she had been wanting the next day. If not, she could use the lab over the weekend to find out where she had gone wrong. She got online and started shopping around at clothing boutiques with evocative names, sites so unabashedly lurid and featuring such revealing and obscene clothes that it bordered on pornographic. She felt intensely embarrassed to be looking at such sites, but at last she finally forced herself to buy a skimpy looking strapless tube dress made of some shiny metallic looking material to use as her testing bed. It looked like it would soak well and be tight enough that the formula would be sufficiently flush against her skin for administration. The price tag was bogglingly high for such a tiny piece of flimsy fabric, but she entered her credit card number thinking of the Nobel money and research fellowships to come. On an impulse, she also bought a pair of tall high-heel platform sandals like she had seen in her mother's closet as a girl.

The rest of Katie's week was interminable, the days seeming longer than any she could remember, dragging on and on at a snail's pace. She got home every night and took sleeping pills while the sun was out just to sleep away the time until thursday. She had a bit of a scare thursday morning when her mail came just as usual through the slot in her front door. She had skipped class for the first time in her life to await the arrival of her delivery mechanism. She agnoized for hours, checking the tracking information online over and over again, seeing “Out for delivery” posted at 4am, but yet it hadn't come! Finally, late in the afternoon, her doorbell rang. She rushed to the door and flung it open, seeing the UPS man still getting into his truck. A small, soft package lay nonchalantly on her doorstep. She snatched it up, no longer willing to wait, and slammed the door behind her. She tore open the package as she ran down the stairs to the basement where she was keeping her elixir. She unfolded the tiny, thin dress and held it up to herself. It was baby pink and made of some kind of cotton polyester blend that shined metallic. It barely covered from her chest to her thighs, and was barely wider than her arms held side by side. She marveled, wondering how tight something so small could possibly feel. Like being naked, she supposed. She would know soon enough.

Placing the dress down on a piece of plastic, she very carefully uncorked the small beaker. She had no more than half a cup of this liquid gold, and she wanted to save some of it for analysis. As carefully as she could with her shaking hands, she poured the liquid over the dress, up and down, side to side, tracing a careful coil pattern to make sure to cover maximum surface area in one application. She used half of her supply, resisting the urge to use more. She took a careful measurement of how much she had used and logged it in her journal. She let the liquid settle and soak into the dress until the blue stains disappeared just as she had suspected they would. Trembling immensely, she stripped down naked right there in the basement and gingerly lifted the dress off the plastic, making sure it wasn't going to leak. With great effort, she pulled the dress on over her shapeless, boyish body, so excited she felt the absolutely overwhelming urge to pee and dance at the same time. The dress was even tighter than she had imagined, gripping her like a second skin. It felt damp and she started shivering at once, her small nipples stiffening up, clearly visible through the bubble-thin fabric. After a few moments she felt her body start to tingle where the dress pressed the elixir against her skin. She waited a long time, standing there shivering in her basement, but nothing happened. She had hypothesized that permanent change would happen in roughly one hour or not occur at all. She stood there for over two. The tingle spread over her body a little bit, but nothing happened.

Katie hadn't cried since she was a little girl. Not tears of sadness anyway. She had cried at a movie or two, and she had cried when she got into the college she wanted, from joy, but never out of pure, soul crushing devastation. She sullenly climbed the stairs and headed into her room, not bothering to take off the dress. She wanted, irrationally, desperately angry at herself, to punish herself for failing. She laid down on her bed and broke her streak of not crying until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

When Katie woke up her head felt light and sore from her marathon sobbing session. It felt hard to think, the usual buzz of her thoughts subdued. It felt a little more peaceful this way, and she bitterly made a note to herself that she should cry more often. She crawled out of her bed and pushed the tight dress off of her body in disgust, not even wanting to look at herself. She headed straight for the shower, avoiding the few mirrors in her house, and stepped in without waiting for the water to warm up. She gasped at the cold, but let the freezing water soothe her aching face and body until it warmed up. Resigning herself to a life of being the ugly bookworm, she grabbed the soap and prepared to face down her fate. Looking down, she was surprised and confused to not see her stomach...just the tips of her feet poking out from underneath two huge mounds of milky white flesh. It took her a moment to realize that whatever it was was attached to her...and they were her breasts. She raced out of the shower, nearly tangling herself in the curtain, a spill that would have cracked her skull open on the toilet, and ran to the full length mirror in her bedroom, still sopping wet.

A stranger stared back at her from the mirror. A stranger with huge, pouty lips, just like her mother's, ample breasts (at least a C cup!), and an elegantly curved waist with the slight hint of soft abdominal muscles on either side of the soft valley running up her midsection, stretching her navel out. The woman in the mirror spun around just as Katie did, showing off her thin waist and rather plump booty. It slowly dawned on Katie that it was really her that she was looking at in the mirror. She stared for several minutes, then rushed off to dry herself and brush her hair. She took out her blow dryer for the first time in years and attempted to put a little volume in her hair. It took to the treatment tolerably well—looking just like her mother's hair. Katie nearly squealed with delight as she dressed, learning that her old blouses could barely contain her new breasts. She was forced to leave a few buttons undone, showing a little cleavage that she had never had before. Impulsively, she took a pair of scissors to her one black skirt, cutting it back so that the hem would fall midway down her thighs. The skirt hugged her new hips tightly, and Katie's jaw dropped seeing the tight outline of her new ass revealed underneath the fabric. For the first time she noticed that even her nose was nice and slender now, and, together with her new lips, her face was almost completely transformed.
Katie's first thought as she started heading to class (wearing a low pair of pumps that she usually saved for nights out), was that she was going to need to buy some bras. She couldn't believe how wildly her unrestrained breasts shook and bounced about with each step. For the first time in her life she saw people looking at her rather than through her, even a few appreciative looks from guys who had never even noticed her before. All at once her confidence was soaring.

Something else had changed too, however. Katie blamed the excitement, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. She couldn't concentrate in class at all—the words seemed unintelligible to her, foreign, even confusing. She found herself wishing that the professor would speak a little more plainly and slowly.

In her third class she sat down next to a young man she knew from the lab, Ben. Ben was a typically nerdy looking young freshman with bushy brown hair and thick glasses that distorted his face they were so powerful. He wore t-shirts and jeans and never took much care with his appearance and always treated Katie just like any other guy in the lab, not seeming to notice that she was a woman at all, as many academic young men often did. Today he did a double take, the only person to recognize her.

“Katie?” he gawked, “Katie Brewer, is that you?” Katie smiled, but smirked devilishly on the inside.
“Of course it is, Ben,” she said, startling herself. Her voice sounded higher, more confident, but also more feminine. Before she had had the typical low mumble of a mousy bookworm.
“Wow,” Ben marveled, “I hardly recognized you.” His eyes flicked back and forth from her face to her newly swollen chest, no doubt drawing his own conclusions about how her breasts had changed overnight. “You look look nice.”
Katie blinked, realizing no one had ever said that to her before. “Thanks Ben,” she said, blushing in spite of herself, and rushed to change the topic. “How's your research coming?”
Ben beamed. He had been working on a drug to enhance intelligence and willpower and had recently begun animal testing. He was a prodigy much like Katie. “The group A sample is showing an improvement on all cognitive and memory recall tasks 80% higher than the control. They're the ones who got the full dose. Just for fun last week I made a different formula to have the opposite effect and I started testing it, you know, on the's not strictly approved, but it's just as effective as my smart-drug.”
Katie smiled, for some reason her mind felt a little hazy listening to him talk about rather elementary experimental concepts, but she understood eventually. “An 80% drop in intelligence? Wow. I think people will want the increase more, though,” she giggled even though it wasn't funny. Ben looked at her considerately, as if he was trying to figure something out.
“I can tell you've been doing a bit of testing on the side too,” he said slyly. Katie blanched a little bit. The kid was definitely sharp.
“No, nothing out of the ordinary,” she insisted. Ben rolled his eyes.
“You know you can't put that over on me, Ms. Brewer,” his eyes went to her chest, suggesting she knew exactly what he was talking about, “You've been working on some kind of targeted growth hormone or something. You HAVE to tell me about it. It might help my research if I can use it somehow to improve mylination of neurons in certain parts of the brain.”
Katie chewed her lip, wondering if she should try to keep the lid on what she was doing. Inexplicably, she felt like she should do what he was telling her to. She leaned close to him and whispered.
“All right...I've made a formula that can alter your living genetic code to bring out recessive physical traits, or, um...stuff like that.” Her brain started to feel fuzzy as she talked again. She shook her head to clear it. Ben looked at her with wide eyes.
“Holy shit, Katie,” he said in amazement, “That's incredibly dangerous to be testing on yourself...but it certainly seems to be working.” He hesitated, then continued, “I should come over so you can show me how it works.”
To her amazement, Katie found herself agreeing to this without really questioning it. Before she could change her mind, class began, and she forgot about it.

Katie was a bit surprised when Ben showed up at her door that evening with a bottle of wine. He uncorked it and poured her a glass. She briefly wondered if he was going to drink any, but decided she needed some confidence for that night. As soon as she was rid of Ben, she planned to put on her new dress and heels and go out.

Katie led Ben down to the basement, explaining as she went.
“I took the uh, the stuff, and I poured it on one of my dresses and put it on. It tingled for a while but nothing really happened, but when I woke up I was different.”
“Can you make more of this stuff?” Ben asked.
“Oh um, I, like, wrote all the sciencey stuff down at the lab, but I have the, um, what do you call it? The form-oo-la? Written down in my journal here.” She shook her head. Why was she talking like this? She sounded like a valley girl. Her voice had been going up in pitch all day, and now she sounded positively girlish. She took another sip of wine, blaming the alcohol for making her head all strange. She watched Ben looking over the little bit of blue liquid left in the beaker and paging through her journal. He smiled and was very friendly with her the whole time. He seemed to understand something about what he was reading in the journal, even though all the symbols and equations were starting to look like greek to Katie. She took another sip.
“This is very impressive work, Katie. You're the smartest girl I know.” Ben turned around with a smile. Katie giggled, high and girlish, blushing a little bit. Ben motioned smilingly to her glass and poured a little more wine in it. “Drink up,” he suggested. She did.

“You know, Katie,” Ben went on, turning back to her journal, “I think you're actually in some danger. Such a low dose of that chemical you made might be toxic.”
“Oh no!” Katie shifted nervously on her feet, “That's, like, awful!”
“The good news is I think you can fix it if you just drink the rest of it,” he said in very authoritative tones. Katie marveled at how smart Ben was to figure that out so fast. She took the beaker and gulped the rest of the concoction down without another thought.
“Ah. Thanks, Ben, you, like, really helped me out!” She giggled again and bounded forward jauntily to give him a peck on the cheek. Within moments her stomach started to hurt, and her whole body felt too hot to be healthy. She groaned painfully and took Ben's suggestion that she needed more wine, draining half the bottle. It didn't help much, so she dragged herself up to her bed and laid down. Ben helped her get undressed, feeding her wine the whole time, until the bottle was empty. Her head swimming and her body feeling completely wiped out, she quickly fell into a strange unconsciousness.

Katie woke up only a few hours later, her eyes opening to see Ben standing in front of her with something strange in his hand. But she felt great!
“Ah, you're awake,” said Ben, stepping back. She finally recognized the thing in his hand as a tube of lip gloss. “Good timing, we were just about to go out.” Katie blinked.
“We were? Oh! That's right, we were!” she giggled, then stood up. She caught a look at herself in the mirror and walked closer to inspect. Her hair was suddenly blond, which confused her for a moment, and she had on more eyeshadow than she had ever used in her life. Her eyelashes were long and curled, thick with mascara, and she had on copious amounts of eyeliner. Her lips looked even bigger now, and artfully puckered as if for a kiss, painted heavily with pink lipstick made shiny by liberal amounts of gloss. She licked her lips. Cherry flavored, her favorite! Something in the back of her head called her a whore, but she ignored it because that was a mean word. Looking down, she suddenly exclaimed, grabbing her chest.
“Ohmygod! Look at my boobies! They're huge!” She laughed mirthfully, jiggling her fresh F-cup breasts. At some point she had put on the tiny pink dress she had bought online and her platform heels. The dress was scandalously tiny, and she thought it looked very sexy. Her breasts were barely contained by it, her ass threatened to pop out of it at the slightest movement, and her long, slender, newly thickened legs were totally bare and smooth straight down to her tall shoes. “I'm like a whole new Katie!”

“You're name's Candi, silly, not Katie.”
“Huh? Noooooo,” she giggled again, “It's, um...I'm pretty sure it's, no, you're right, it IS Candi! What was I thinking?” Her whole body shook with another giggle fit. Ben smirked.
“Come on, Candi, we're going to be late for the party.”
Candi smiled and took Ben's hand, click-clacking after him on her tall heels, not bothering to ask any questions because it was too hard. She turned on a pop station in Ben's car and bopped around in her seat, her huge breasts slipping free of her dress's tenuous hold on her heaving bosom. Each time she'd simply laugh and pull the dress back up.

The two of them arrived back at the University, and Ben led candy down some stairs that she thought looked familiar, but she didn't think about it too hard because they were going to a party so why bother thinking? Soon they emerged in the very lab Candi had made her concoction in, though she didn't recognize it now.
“Boys, meet Candi!” Ben called out to the group of young men waiting in a circle in the middle of the lab. At once they all stood up, and Candi vaguely remembered that she had done stuff with them in the past, back when she was always reading books and stuff. The boys crowded around her, looking her scantily clad form up and down, a few of them reaching out to touch her waist or her shoulder. She smiled at them vacantly, just enjoying the attention.

“There's no way this is Katie Brewer,” said one of the boys.
“You really gave her your intelligence-inhibiting drug?”
“Are those tits real?”
Ben laughed and nudged Candi. “Take out your purse,” he said, “Show them your ID cards.”
Candi was confused for a second about why she should do that, but she just shrugged and did as she was told. The boys marveled at her student ID and driver's license, which made her giggle. What a silly thing to get so excited about!
“Candi, what do you want to do tonight?” Ben asked her.
“Ummm, I guess I, like, want to party? This is, like, a party, right?”
“Are you feeling horny right now?” Ben's question sounded more like a statement. Candi hadn't thought about it until just now, but when he mentioned it, she did find that she felt pretty horny.
“Um, yeah, I guess I am!” she giggled, putting her hands behind her back and puffing her chest out, watching all the boys' eyes fall to drink in her new cleavage. She started swaying side to side, smiling dumbly.
“Do you want to have sex right now? With one of these guys? Or all of them?”
Candi thought for a moment, then giggled. “Yeah! I wanna have sex with, like, all of them!” she grinned.
Ben pushed her forward, the circle of men closing around her. “Well, you heard her boys! Twenty from each of you before you leave.”

Candi briefly wondered what he meant by 'twenty', but soon forgot when all the boys started groping her new body at once. She giggled playfully, feeling hands all over her breasts, hips, ass, thighs, and waist. They quickly stripped off her dress, revealing her perfect body with its hourglass figure, heaving breasts, bubble-butt, and flawless complexion. A small fight broke out over who got to go first, which Candi didn't pay much attention to, just enjoying the attention. Once it was worked out she found herself pulled roughly into one of the men, a short and slightly portly twenty something who had a rather bad odor and a crooked nose. She smiled up at him, pressing her naked body shamelessly against him. He put his hand on the top of her head and pushed, so she obediently got down on her knees in front of him, watching him undo his belt and take out a somewhat small un-cut cock. The others watched as he shoved it in her face, poking her lips. Candi unblinkingly slid her ample lips over the offered member, squinting a little bit at the strong taste, but feeling like she was finally doing something she was good at. All the talking just made her head hurt.
On her knees in the lab, the others watched her head bob up and down between the portly nerd's legs, the man groaning, holding the back of her head. Candi rocked back and forth on her knees, taking as much of the cock into her mouth as she could and sucking hard, rubbing her tongue against the underside of his shaft. She obediently spread her legs a bit farther apart when she felt someone kneel down behind her and slide his hands over her ass to grab on to her hips. She moaned and giggled with delight, even with the cock in her mouth, when she felt the stranger behind her sliding his member into her soft, slightly moist pussy. She listened, fascinated, to the sound of his hips slapping against her taut bubble-butt, and imagined herself on her knees, taking dicks from both ends without a care in the world. It made her feel happy.

Before long someone stepped up beside the man she was blowing, his cock also shoved in her face, already rock hard as he stroked it. She obligingly switched, sliding her mouth over the new cock while keeping the original hard with her hand, the stranger behind her still pounding away at her cunt.

“Holy shit, she's such a slut,” the newcomer muttered. Candi looked at him in surprise, then laughed.
“Yeah! I'm, like, the best slut in the world!” she agreed, then went back to sucking him eagerly.
“You're the biggest slut in the world,” the man behind her corrected. Another walked up on the other side of her original suitor and she switched to service him, working the other two wet cocks with her hand. With grace and precision, she switched between the three cocks on offer, alternately sucking and stroking each one. It went on for a few minutes until her original suitor finally announced that he was going to cum. She immediately switched to suck him over the edge, then turned her head up with mouth open and eyes closed, obligingly taking a few spurts of hot semen over her face, a little bit of the bitter stuff getting in her mouth. Something in the back of her mind said something about 'condoms', but she ignored it because she knew guys hated it. At the sight of her, the boy to her left also suddenly gave loose, splashing her face with a little more cum. She grinned and laughed, loving every second of it. Not long after, the man behind her also tensed up, his cock buried balls deep inside of her, and she could feel his member twitching and jerking as he dumped his load into her. She thought nothing of it. As soon as he pulled out, another anonymous man stepped up and took his place, two more appearing in front of her, and she got back to work servicing them.
Not twenty minutes after she started, Candi lay naked on the floor of the lab, panting and looking totally at ease. Her face was covered in a thick coat of sticky white cum turning quite cold against her skin as it sat there. She could also feel a little trickle coming out of her pussy and running down her thigh. She watched the boys shuffling out of the lab, sticking green pieces of paper into Ben's hand. When they were all gone, Ben walked towards her again. She smiled at him.

“Hey Ben! Guess what? Guess what I am?” she giggled at him.
“What are you, Candi?” he smiled back.
“I'm, like, the biggest slut in the world!” She laughed, holding her hands apart to demonstrate just how big. Ben chuckled.
“That you are Candi. Are you ready to go to the next party?”
Candi sat up, bouncing excitedly, taking the napkins Ben offered her and wiping her face.
“Yay! Party! I, like, totally love parties!”

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