September 27, 2010

The Goddess's Fate - Part 2

Part 2 of chapter 1 of the story I began posting yesterday. Tomorrow's posting is up in the air, be sure to check in. Check out the series page or scroll down to read part 1.

In this post: Cumshot, lesbian three-way

Suddenly Fame closed his eyes and appeared relaxed. Athyra was momentarily confused and alarmed, until she suddenly heard the girls at his feet moaning. She looked down and saw great torrents of thick white cum gushing from the God's swollen member, his whole lower body seeming to contract to push all of it out with such force and volume. The faces of the women were already covered, and the thick substance sloughed off onto their breasts and thighs in torrents. Athyra looked away and folded her arms, a little bile rising in her throat. When she looked back, the girls had already cleared the cum from their eyes, but left the rest of it untouched. They sat on either of Fame's huge thighs, looking like they had fallen in a puddle of white mud.

“I would have figured all your little play things would be naked,” Athyra said arrogantly, trying to regain control of her usual persona.

“Oh,” said Fame, “I can see how you would get that impression.” He sounded like a mortal having a mundane conversation about the weather as he explained. “Not everyone is equal here in Fame's realm. There's a lot of demand for my attention, but I bore easily, so the women are ranked by beauty, libido, and skill. The better your rank, the more clothes you are allowed. Worthless slaves and new arrivals are kept naked. Bikinis like these,” he groped a breast each on the girls in his lap, “are next, going on up to mini-skirts, harnesses, so on. Girls with special skills get shoes, the height of the heel denotes what skill it is. Two inches--”

“Enough,” Athyra said, noticing with a bit of panic that both the girls on his lap wore high heels, “I was trying to be a bitch, I don't want to hear about your sick little games.”

Fame looked almost crestfallen at her outburst, and she felt a pang of guilt, which she immediately silenced. He's getting to me, she thought, the power of this place gets to anyone after a while, he's trying to stall me. Nonetheless, she tried to salvage the conversation, knowing full well that he held the key to her dilemma.

“I guess that Dahlia women is quite high ranked.”
Fame smiled again, a wicked smile. “She's my right hand,” he said.
“Anyway,” Athyra attempted to steer the conversation, “You were saying you found a way around your Fate.”
Fame stood, dislodging his lap-ornaments. “Perhaps you should tell me everything,” he said kindly, and went for the door. Athyra glanced at the girls, who were now on the bed licking each other clean, and quickly followed Fame.

As they wandered through some of the more empty corridors, she told him everything. The blond girl whom she had killed, and now the new one, the buxom brunette with rippling muscles wearing her own gown ten years from now. The mirror had said it was Fate.

“Ten years,” Fame said gravely, “Not much time at all.”
“Do you think I can get around this?” She sounded desperate and hated herself for it.
“What you describe is very similar to what happened to me. A powerful warrior was to be vying for my place according to the mirror. He was to use various choice women to lure me out with the ritual that I'm sure you know about, and do battle with me. Eventually I would have been defeated.”
Athyra felt a spark of hope. The situations were very similar. “What did you do?” She asked.
“I sent Dahlia after him,” he grinned. Athyra was astonished.
“That's direct intervention. You could have lost your powers from that alone.”
“It was a gamble, I admit. I had to be very careful. I simply told Dahlia about the prophecy, and she took it upon herself to take care of him. Of course I knew that she would, but by not giving an order I was able to escape the full brunt of Fate's fury. My powers weakened considerably for a time, yes, and I lost many good slaves, but I made it through. I even believe I could have intervened myself and still have escaped with my powers. I am, after all, very powerful. And you are even more powerful than me, I hate to admit. I'm sure you could do the same. Arrogance is much more powerful than lust. A king can't be conquered by a whore if he believes himself above her.”

Athyra cringed a bit, despite agreeing fully that she was far more powerful. She did not like being called the Goddess of Arrogance. She preferred Confidence. Nonetheless, the story of his success was extremely good news to her, but there was one bad detail.

“What you say sounds perfect,” she admitted, “but I have no minions or followers to utilize the way you say. Confidence may be more powerful than lust, but it by design it does not inspire devotion to powers greater than oneself.”

Fame smiled warmly at her. Athyra felt a chill run through her gut.

“If you'd like to strike a deal,” he purred, “I could have Dahlia do all the work for you.”
Athyra clenched her teeth. She was sure she could handle this on her own, she just didn't know how she could get it done in less than ten years. Inexplicably, she felt that what he was offering was the only solution. Some quiet voice in the back of her head was trying to warn her about something, but she couldn't quite hear it.
“What kind of deal?” she heard herself ask. Fame's smile widened.
“Dahlia will find this girl and make contact with her. She will find out how best to attack this girl's psyche. For this we may need you to utilize some of your own powers, but we will find a way to make sure it keeps you on the right side of Fate. Dahlia will convince this girl to make a pact with me, and once she is mine it will be impossible for her to threaten you.”
The two of them turned into a doorway on the left side of a nondescript corridor.
“You believe this will work?”
Fame nodded. “Of course. You cannot alter your own destiny, but mortals can be lead away from their own if the forces exerted are strong enough. If her fate is altered, the Fate awaiting you cannot be fulfilled, and it will go away. It worked for me.” He grinned and motioned to the far side of the room.

A man stood naked and blindfolded, his hands tied above his head with an iron chain. His whole body was covered in lashes, bruises, and red marks from whips and all other manner of devices. Two tall women stood hear him, lashing him with switches made of leather. They both wore tight leather corsets and garter belts holding up black stockings. They swayed from foot to foot on very tall high heeled boots and seemed to be greatly enjoying this brutal torture session. Athyra felt a bit sick and light headed again, worse than the last time.

“Meet the man who was to take my place, my darling Athyra.” Fame motioned to the human whipping post. “Dahlia did well bringing him to my side, and once I had him I decided he could do without the pleasures of my realm.”
The two fems stopped whipping and turned to face the two Gods, fingering their whips and eying Athyra.
“So what do you want in return for all this?” She asked reluctantly, folding her arms over her breasts after seeing the looks she was being given. Fame seemed not to hear her and walked over to his girls.
“Eva,” he kissed the first on the lips, “Alleya,” he kissed the other. The two of them watched him intently, seeming to read his expression. He turned back to Athyra with an unreadable smile.
“Just spend an hour with my two lovelies here,” he said smoothly, “That's all I ask. Just do whatever they want. They won't bite unless you want them to.”

Athyra stared at him. She had no idea what to make of such a deal. An hour with two women in exchange for her very Godhood and possibly her life. Coming here she had dreaded the possibility of needing to satisfy Fame, but now he was going to quietly step out and leave her in the hands of two apparently mid-level minions. The deal seemed too good to be true, but she inexplicably felt like she should just go ahead and do it. Get it over with, then get out. It might not even be that bad. She glanced at the two girls then back at Fame, hesitating.

“Well,” she said haltingly, “I guess that's a good deal.”
Fame's face burst into a huge smile and he clapped his hands together.
“Wonderful! Let us formalize our partnership in this matter.” He held out his hand. Among Gods, a handshake made a deal permanent. It was almost impossible to back out if the other party did not want to release you from the terms. She tried to go over the deal in her head again, looking for loopholes, but it all felt so fuzzy. Better to just get it under way. She shook his huge hand, then he turned on his heel and left the room without another word.

Athyra suddenly felt extremely self-conscious alone in the room with the two women in corsets and stockings. The whipping-boy had disappeared to somewhere when she wasn't looking. She gathered up her confidence and looked directly at them.

Eva was a traditionally pretty girl in her early twenties with light blond hair in pigtails. Her lips were thin, but her face was smooth and elegant looking. Her corset squeezed a modest bosom and looked so tight Athyra wasn't sure how she was able to breathe. Her real asset was a glorious round and plump ass set on wide hips that even she had to admit was extremely attractive. She wore a small g-string. Athyra wondered what “rank” that made her.

Alleya was her opposite. She was tall with dark hair falling just below her shoulders and stunningly exotic features. Her lips were huge and pouty, her eyes wide and bright as lamp lights. She sported a huge bosom that threatened to squeeze out of her corset at the slightest movement. What her ass lacked in girth and jiggle she made up for in tightness and perfect shape. Her thighs looked strong as tree trunks. Athyra was intimidated despite possessing the ability to annihilate the both of them with a mere thought. That power had limits now, and the deal with Fame was one of them.

Looking at the two of them, she felt greatly overdressed standing there in her flowing robe. It was belted around her waist and cut in a way that accentuated her feminine curves, but the last few hours among such scantily clad but perfect specimens of womankind made her feel old and prudish. She rubbed her left elbow, totally at a loss for what to do. She briefly entertained the idea of making the move to the bed behind her, but she couldn't bring herself to move.

Finally the two of them approached her, one on each side. Without a word Alleya stepped in and planted her huge lips on Athyra's mouth. Athyra pulled away, surprised, but Alleya simply kissed her again. Athyra was forced to remember the deal and allowed it to go on unchallenged. She experimented with kissing back a little bit and found it was rather enjoyable. The girl's lips were unbelievably soft, their ample thickness making them like two warm, fleshy pillows against her mouth. She felt Eva's hands snake over the small of her back and down her left arm. She barely noticed as the two girls' deft hands undid the belt on her gown and the clasps on her shoulders. She felt the cool air of the marble room against her naked flesh before she realized she was now only wearing a gold necklace, a pair of cotton panties, and her silk slippers. Alarmed, she pulled away and tried to stall them. They gently but firmly pushed her over to the bed until the mattress butted against the back of her knees and she fell into a sitting position on the edge.

“S-so, ah,” she stammered, searching wildly for anything to distract them, “You two have those high heels I see, what skill do you have?” She prayed this would buy her some time. Alleya cupped Athyra's face in her hands as she crawled on to the bed, forcing her on her back. Athyra closed her eyes as the dark haired beauty kissed her mouth again, then her cheek, then her ear. She could feel Eva climbing onto the bed beside her. Suddenly Alleya's soft, deep, seductive voice was whispering in her ear.

“Pussy-eating,” she answered finally. Athyra felt a surge of panic before she remembered that the term was slang and she wasn't in any danger. The two of them together was too much for her to handle. Alleya distracted her with kisses from her big, wet lips and the soft caressing of her hands while Eva was going to work on the more objectionable areas. Athyra was slowly being pulled deep into the large bed, away from the edge. She felt hands searching all over her, not sure which sensation she owed to which girl. Without realizing it she was allowing her legs to be pulled apart, her breasts groped and massaged. The two girls worked every inch of her body, kissing, rubbing, sucking, and licking parts of her she never knew could feel so tantalizing. She had no idea her panties had been removed until she finally felt their soft hands gently caressing the lips of her pussy. She wanted to look at what they were doing, but Alleya kept her too busy. Now she could feel Eva sucking on her left nipple, even nibbling it, while Alleya's tongue explored her mouth and Athyra explored hers in turn. She guessed that each girl had a hand in her crotch, expertly teasing out all her most sensitive areas and exploiting them mercilessly. When she felt fingers probing into her vagina she could not find the energy to even consider objecting. Her whole being was focused on the pleasure she was getting and the lust to return the favor to these two vixens rising in her chest.

When the first wet finger slid softly over her clit, her whole body went tense as the electric shock of pleasure shot through her. She heard herself cry out involuntarily, breaking Alleya's hold on her mouth. She opened her eyes to see Alleya's gorgeous face looking down at her coolly before disappearing downwards. Athyra tried to wait to feel it, but she finally had to look. She could see Eva's blond head splayed over her chest as she sucked on her right nipple now, and could trace her milky white arm to the hand fingering the inside of her pussy. As she watched Alleya took up a position straddling both of her legs and lowered herself between them, her ass sticking high up in the air. Athyra waited what seemed an agonized eternity when Eva's hand disengaged. She nearly disintegrated when she felt those big, wet lips brush against her soaking wet pussy, and she moaned again. There was no denying that Alleya was an expert. Each kiss felt like a lifetime of ecstasy, and when the tongue finally came out she discovered new worlds of pleasure. Before long Alleya's firm, deft tongue was penetrating her, and Eva worked her way down to suck and flick Athyra's clit. Athyra was screaming with pleasure, incapable of comprehending how anything could ever feel so good. She felt overwhelmed, unable to think, like she was in the grips of a fever. When her first orgasm came, she was forced to wonder whether any other encounter she had in her long existence had actually resulted in an orgasm, or if she just thought it was. Nothing like those other times could ever compare to this.

For the full hour the two women worked tirelessly on her, until Athyra was delirious with exhaustion. She lost count of how many times she came, and when it was over she was simultaneously relieved and disappointed. Alleya and Eva laid down next to her, and she closed her eyes to try to stop the world spinning.

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