September 28, 2010

Lilly And The Raven - Part 4

Part 4 kicks off chapter 3 of part 1. Now things start getting interesting~ New work coming soon as I work out a commission.

In this post: Amazoness, elves, prostitution, futa-on-girl

Chapter 3
My Whores

I set off for the city with my pockets stuffed with gold that very night. I had the presence of mind not to go out decked with jewelery and fine fabrics as I would have at any other time. These things would show my status just as sure as wearing the livery of my husband's house. The only women on the streets of Al Zitti after sundown were prostitutes, so I would have to look like one in order to avoid being discovered. Accordingly, I put on the skimpiest outfit in my wardrobe. It was so offensive to me when I was presented with it that I refused to ever wear it, but now I slipped it on with mounting excitement. It was a garb of pure leather lined on the inside with silk, metal rods carefully stitched inside the hide gave it a permanent shape. Like a corset it squeezed my flesh into submission, forming my body into some impossible shape. I pulled it down a little further to ensure that the small bulge between my legs would go unnoticed, but this meant my breasts were all but fully exposed. The tight, constricting fit was uncomfortable, the highest of high heels that I owned even more so, but I did it all to look the part, or so I told myself. I slipped out of the house and hoped that no one would stop me and try to acquire my 'services'.

I headed straight out of the imperial district, into Al Zitti itself, to the open air bazaars that were now closed up as the moon slowly crept across the sky. At first I saw no one but the far off figures of watchmen patrolling. I walked into seedier, more dilapidated parts of town, my feet aching and the rub of the too-tight dress maddeningly sensual. I could almost see myself walking down the empty street, the outline of my ass working beneath the leather, visible as if I wore nothing at all. The flesh of my breasts jiggling like gelatin, the spill off my light blond hair over my face like a mask. Those I passed only glimpsed at me, and I wondered what they thought of the elegant looking Elf woman in such depraved attire. Finally, I came along the intersection of the bazaar street with the main travel artery of the city, and I saw them at last.

My heart pounded as I looked at them. They wandered the streets in every direction, dainty little female forms squeezed into as little clothing as possible, faces painted elaborately, some of them looking horrifying, and others absolutely stunning. It was a veritable buffet of flesh, something to satisfy anyone in the world in this city where anything desire could conjure could be bought and sold. The women all ranged in age from those who had just barely sprouted breasts to gray haired crones, ugly to beautiful, fat to thin, dark skinned or light skinned. Human, cat-woman, Elf, all intermingled in small groups along the street or stood solitary beneath a lamp post, scanning the area for available men. Even as I watched, I saw them negotiate with their clientèle, gesturing furiously or pulling close to him as his arm slithered around her waist and they walked off together in random directions. Despite all the people here, it was very quiet. The sounds of the night were louder than the mutterings of living beings. Occasionally a crack of laughter would burst through the silence, or a muffled cry, but mostly those in groups talked in low voices to each other, and those alone stared impassively at those around them. I was ignored as I walked along the street, just another body in the buffet to them. I looked at each face, appraised each nearly naked body.

Finally I found a blond haired Human girl who couldn't have been older than sixteen standing by herself in the shadows. She wore a white sun dress that was so unlike the tight leathers and see-through fabrics of all the others that I thought she might not be a prostitute. It hung loose around her, and she looked like a carefree country girl except for the devious white high heels she wore, so steep she stood on her tip toes. These shoes seemed to be the mark of a prostitute, for they all wore something similar. But she looked so young, so innocent and frail in spite of it all. When the evening summer wind blew I could see the outline of her body as the thin dress pressed against her, and it was exquisite. I had made my choice, and I fought to keep my member from swelling up and escaping its prison to thrust itself immediately at this girl and dominate her the way it had dominated the other one, the black haired one, in my dream. I licked my lips and approached her, my Elf stature in high heels towering over her so that her eyes stared into my breasts.

She looked up at me, wide-eyed, but scowled.
“I told you I don't want a pimp, I'm just doing this for a little while.” She spat at me with such an acrid tone that was so out of place with her angelic face that I was taken aback and couldn't respond for a moment.
“No,” I stammered finally, “You misunderstand. I have no wish to own you, except to bring you to my bed.” I realized suddenly that I was talking like a noblewoman, that no one on the street, certainly no one who had to sell herself, would talk like this. But the girl didn't seem to notice, or care.
“Oh,” Her face changed now, became neutral and impassive. “You want me to entertain your husband, do you? So many do. It's strange.”
I shook my head, “No, no. I merely want you for myself.” My heart was pounding as I spoke the words and heard the truth of them ringing in my ears. Speaking so candidly was not something I had known in my life of careful deceit and scripted obedience. The girl stared at me. I suddenly got the impression that she hadn't been a prostitute very long, didn't know how to handle this situation. But she nodded dumbly.
“All right.” She said, but I could see in her eyes that she added, but I've never been with a woman before. I grinned inwardly to think that soon she wouldn't find it all that unfamiliar.

I left with her guiding us to a “private place”. I slipped my arm around her waist and held her against me as we walked as I had seen the men do, taking an even greater excitement in feeling her against me, knowing that for the time being this body belonged to me and I could do anything to it that I wished.

We stepped into a tiny house that was little more than a kitchen with a bed in the corner, and I could tell it was hers, for the fragrance of her skin and her hair that I found so intoxicating was in this place. She lit a few candles and turned, her mouth open to explain her prices and her rules to me, but I was holding out a fist full of gold coins to her. She stared at them dumbly, utterly shocked to see so much money in one place. I could discern this, but it made no sense to me. This much money had been a paltry sum for my whole life, I had found myself wishing I had brought more as I perused the streets, taking in the buffet of breasts and lips and thighs. She took it, whatever rules she was about to recite to me in a cold, reprimanding tone erased from her mouth. For this much money, she would do anything at all. I felt a flash of the noblewoman's contempt for such debauchery. That she would degrade herself so much for a petty handful of coins! Rather than filling me with disgust as it would have any time before drinking that strange elixir, now it filled me with lust, and I could scarcely contain it. Was this how men felt about this depraved exchange of cash?

I walked over to the bed and she followed after stashing the gold away somewhere. She stood before me, visibly unsure of what to do next. I was long past my cultured subservience to indecision now; I positively burned to make her mine. I reached out, bending down slightly to grab hold of her flimsy little dress and pull it up over her head. She was naked underneath it, and the audacity of that sent another wave of desire through me. With my superior size and strength I picked her up, set her on the bed, a trembling doll made of flesh for me to play with. I got on my knees in front of the bed, and now I could see her delicate flesh up close for the first time. Her skin was soft, flecked with tiny imperfections and nearly invisible little hairs that made it even more alluring, totally unlike the flawless alabaster of the other one, the dark haired one. There was a birthmark on her right breast, her abdomen was smooth but not muscular like mine or the other one's. Her thighs were delicate but firm, and I could have stared for hours at the dainty beauty of her little pink pussy glowing in the candle light. I ran my hands all over her body, the constricting leather wrapped around my body making it hard to breathe as I needed to breathe faster to keep pace with my racing heart. My movements felt sluggish, my head was light, I felt drugged, but I still moved over her, cupping her arched back with my hand, closing my mouth around one small, perfect little breast. I drank in the feel of her, her scent, her voice, like a bottle of wine against my lips, growing rapidly intoxicated by her heady aroma and the salty taste of her nubile flesh, the strange taste of her mouth against mine.

At last I could stand the leather and metal rods no longer, I stood and pulled the thing off of me impatiently and as an after thought I pulled off my undergarments as well. I heard her gasp as I she saw the raging python slip out from between my legs, roaring for pleasure, demanding her utter submission. I brushed aside her questions, ignoring them. She resisted me for a brief moment, then yielded again as I pushed her further onto the bed and climbed on top of her. So what? It was just another penis, and the pay was astronomically higher than what she usually got for this same service.

She came after me now, her small hands groping at my breasts, which seemed even larger now though I didn't stop to examine them. She tweaked my nipples and ran her hands over my back as we kissed and pressed my member against me with her body where it lay sandwiched between us. Our blond hair tangled together and we rolled on the bed once, where she squirmed on top of me for a moment before we rolled again and I crushed her to the mattress with my superior size. I thought incessantly of that pretty pink pussy I had looked at, had run my fingers over. I probed it again now and found it wet and sticky as the fluid that came from my own member. I shifted now, drew myself up. She sensed this at once and shifted as well, spreading her legs open as much as she could in the small space. I gripped my member and probed between her legs, seeking some purchase there, now panting like an animal in heat. It seemed like forever that I prodded and caressed, but soon enough I felt something give and I pushed against it, guiding my thick member into that tiny orifice until at last I felt it yield to me completely, felt my member enveloped in a wet, burning hot, incredibly tight mass of flesh. A sound of pure delight escaped me against my will, and I pushed harder, deeper until I was in as far as I could go. I drew myself down against my squirming prize, my petite blond beauty who seemed so innocent. I would rend the innocence from her flesh!

I pressed her against me, my strength finding no task in of controlling her body completely. Slowly I backed out of her squeezing orifice, then thrust back in, feeling the ecstasy of that first push all over again. A low cry escaped the dainty thing in my arms, but I thrust again, feeling the blast of pleasure all the way at the top of my skull so that my eyes rolled into the back of my head and my mouth hung open dumbly. I thrust over and over, mechanically, with zealous mania, memorizing the feel of her delicate insides as they yielded to my power. I hated her and I loved her, I wanted to shower her with kisses and low murmurs of affection as I gently pumped pleasure through both of our bodies, and I wanted to hold her face against the bed and slam against her hips so hard and fast her spine would snap like a twig. But I kept holding her against me, working my hips in that hypnotic fashion, my thoughts nothing but currents of vague, primal feeling that surged and retreated in time with each thrust. I could see our shadows against the wall. I now sat back on my legs, holding her up with my hands against her arched back as she went limp with pleasure or submission I don't know. I saw my arms lift her body like a doll, saw the powerful shaft of my member in shadow, connected to her, then watched it disappear inside of her as I pulled her back into me. My thighs looked like the trunks of great, ancient trees compared to her tiny sticks. My breasts were mountains heaving upwards from the earth compared to her tiny rolling hills. My arms holding her up were things of iron, and her shadow was enveloped in mine, indistinct, the post script scrawled at the end of a massive treatise on raw feminine power.

Her brown eyes watched me beneath nearly closed lids, her face was serene, her body was responding to my assault with hard nipples, slick pussy, deep moans. I could feel my mind slipping into that dreamlike state that came before climax, that utter stillness in which all lust and all thought seemed to grow still and then culminate in a great rushing river of joy and delight, where all things were possible and nothing mattered. I felt that river rush through me, felt my throbbing cock swell and grow even more sensitive, feeling every tiny cell of her pussy as I drove against it faster than ever. I felt that river rush from me, my body tense, eyes flung wide open, mouth agape, guttural sounds being pushed out of it by the contractions deep within me. I felt my cum rush through my shaft and into her limp, flexing body, harder than I had ever cum before. I felt it leaving me like a gunshot, pouring into her in great, gushing streams. She cried out at the heat of it, the volume of it. I couldn't move. I was utterly stunned, completely lost in the wilderness of my empty mind, everything that had been there washed away in that torrent of ecstasy and now coursed through her body. I lowered myself on top of her again, my legs aching from the strange position I had held her in. Slowly, very slowly I returned to myself, looked down at her serene face, finding her eyes mercifully closed as I stared at her. I realized she had gained some sort of release as well, and basked in the afterglow of it as I now did. I shifted to pull my member out of her, finding it impossibly sensitive now, gasping at the sensation so close to pain but so kin to pleasure that I continued pulling it out, letting out another sound of pleasure and delight as it pulled free of her with a little sucking sound. Immediately a small stream of cum came pouring out of her. I had definitely spent my passion! I caught my breath there, straddled on all fours over her. 

Without a word I got up, still pulsating with that light and that feeling of being inside of her, of pouring myself into her. I squeezed back into my hooker's disguise and found that I didn't mind the exposure so much. As I walked home I experimented walking as the prostitutes did, one foot in front of the other, swaying my hips hypnotically, and I felt truly alive.

As I laid in bed that night, trying to will myself to sleep, my body was still a riot of remembered pleasure. I felt her against me, felt the incessant grip of her pussy against my member as if I had only pulled out seconds earlier. My erection throbbed again already, feeling bigger and more powerful than ever, but eventually I fell asleep purely out of exhaustion.

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