September 24, 2010

Lilly And The Raven - Part 2

Here's part 2 of part 1 of Lilly and the Raven. 

In this post: Elves, amazoness, futanari, futa-on-girl, oral

Chapter 2
The raven-haired one

When I came to I was changed. I was in my bed, and it was night time. I was alone in the room. I closed my eyes again, and I saw the image of the blue eyes of that prostitute staring at me from beneath endless tumbles of fine black hair, her giant breasts swayed as she rocked herself back and forth on my husband's member, and she laughed as I watched in horror. I knew that this was a dream, that I was half asleep and dreaming again, but it seemed so vivid. It was like I was looking through a scryer's crystal to the image of something happening far away. The whore laughed at me, and my husband's face contorted in something like pain, but he let out a long sigh of contentment, then fell backwards on the bed, dead and colorless. The whore only smiled now, her plump lips making that evil smile consume her whole face. She released herself from my husband's corpse, and I saw little droplets of his seed escape her as she shuffled off the bed, her stiletto heels clacking loudly on the marble floor. Again I told myself to open my eyes, dispel this dream and rise from the bed to seek out my husband and find out what happened, but I couldn't do it. Briefly I considered that I might actually be dead, and that this was my punishment, to live out the moment of my greatest humiliation over and over, but the feeling passed as my mind melted again into the dream. I, my dream self, could not move as she turned and came towards me. Now I could see the front of her, the gentle taper of her hip muscles into her crotch, the muscles of her abdomen chiseled, clearly visible under her skin tight dress, though it was crumpled up around her. In this fully frontal view, her breasts were even more enormous, each one larger than my head, they swayed and jiggled as she walked towards me. Her hips swung from side to side as she walked, one foot in front of the other, graceful as a dancer in her impossible shoes. Her eyes were half closed, her mouth seductive, lips sticking out ever so slightly, begging to be touched and kissed. I wanted to move away as she came towards me, but I was rooted in place by the glinting sapphire color of her eyes, the sway of her breasts, the bulging muscles of her thighs. I realized then that I was powerfully attracted to her, that I didn't move because I wanted her to come closer. My mouth watered and I shuddered as I thought of those breasts crushing themselves against me, of bending down to plant my mouth on her lips and feel the play of her tongue against mine...

She came to a stop inches away from me, looking up into my face. Even in her impossibly high heels, she only rose high enough that her forehead met with my chin. She licked her lips as she looked at me, and I found the gesture so alluring that I scarcely knew whether to say something or simply throw her, pin her against the wall and brutally ravage her. She was so close I could feel the heat of her body, when she shifted the tips of her nipples just barely brushed the fabric of my dress. At last she spoke, and her voice was startlingly rich and deep for someone who looked so young.

“Your husband...he was not enough for me. He died as all men who spend their passion in me die.”
Strange words, the words of dreams, but they made perfect sense. I found I could make no answer. I wanted to ask her why she would go to bed with a married man, but I realized that I didn't care, and what I really wanted to know was whether my husband had paid her enough for two.

She seemed to sense my thoughts as any dream could, and smiled slyly at me. Slowly she raised her arms and put her hands on my shoulders. Soft as fur they felt, so warm as to be intoxicating. She pulled me forward, and I watched in mute exhilaration as her face drew ever closer, her eyes closing, her lips puffing out, parting just slightly as her hands slid to the back of my neck and drew me explosion of heat on my face. Her lips burned like the vial I had thought was poison burned, if all the pain of that elixir had turned to pure, earth-rending pleasure. I closed my eyes and the feeling became more intense. I kissed her back, experimenting with the pressure against our lips, opening my mouth a little wider and kissing a little deeper until finally I felt her tongue probing the roof of my mouth tentatively, and the excitement rushed through me again like a drought of strong wine straight to my head. I responded immediately, feeling her tongue with mine, wrapping it around hers, slipping it off again, chasing it into her own mouth where I probed her cheeks and her teeth and the fascinating contours along the roof of her mouth. I heard a sound of pleasure escape me as I held her in the kiss and she yielded me, responding to my sigh with a moan. We gasped air through our noses and held the kiss longer and longer, until our two mouths had nearly become one. Of their own violation, my arms wrapped around her delicate shoulders, my hands stroking the solid contours of her shoulder blades, and I crushed her against me. Her breasts were like two great pillows of heat against me. I pulled her up, until she was nearly off her feet, our breasts pressed together, squirming against each other in the passionate sways of our interminable kiss. It seemed to go on forever, and though I dreaded it ever ending, I found that I was still filled with utter elation when it ended, I basked in an afterglow as luminous as the sun. The raven haired beauty in my arms looked up at me through half closed lids, I could see her swooning as I now swooned, disoriented by passion, her lips twitching, crying out for the ecstasy they had known. She was breathing heavily, and this made me realize that I was as well. I looked down, seeing the deep rapid breaths making her breasts, still pressed hard against me, swell and contract. The movement was hypnotic, the skin looked so supple, it was like nothing I had ever seen. I untangled one hand from her hair, and ran my hand over them gently. They were so smooth, so immaculate and perfect that it was indescribable, they felt even more supple than they looked. I looked at her face again and she was smiling at me, knowingly, cunningly. She pushed herself away from me, and I felt a spasm of terror, wanting to snatch her back and hold her against me again. But she took hold of one of my hands and turned towards the bed, pulling me after her. As we moved across the chamber I became absorbed in the view from behind her, I drank in the feast of carnal delight that was her nubile, immaculate flesh. I lusted so heavily after the taut, high buttocks, the smooth arms, the breasts so large that even turned away from me I could see their profile outlined above her tiny waist.

When we reached the bed I barely noticed that the corpse of my husband had vanished. She turned to me and stopped me a few inches from her. She fluffed her raven hair behind her, wiped a few errant strands from her face, and then lowered her arms to the thin fabric of her dress crumpled around her waist, pulled it down over her hips, then let it fall over her legs onto the floor. She stood before me completely naked, the dim candle light giving her delicate white flesh an unearthly sheen. She slowly lowered herself to sit on the edge of the bed, running her hands down my sides as she did so, pulling me a little closer, pulling down the sleeves of my dress so that my breasts nearly spilled out. She released me and scooted back along the covers, her eyes fixed on mine, her face inviting. She licked her lips again as she sat with her legs stretched out in front of her. I looked at her feet, seeing she still wore her impossible shoes, her feet trapped in a tip-toe shape. Without a word she laid back, her breasts growing even wider and fuller as they settled against her, and then she spread her legs as she had undoubtedly done for a thousand men. But had she ever done it for a woman?

“Go on,” she said, her succulent voice broke the utter silence, dripping with lust. “Put it in. I want you inside me.”

What a strange thing to say! But I didn't care. At last everything I had wanted was coming true, everything and more, for this prostitute, this filthy, immoral, downcast, lowly, home wrecking little whore was much more beautiful than any stable boy who ever lived. I pulled off my dress and let it crumple on the ground before hers. I took off my constricting lace bra, loving the freedom and release I felt as my breasts spilled free of their prison like never before. I undid my corset and threw it over my shoulder, feeling the freedom even more strongly. The feel of the cool air on my bare skin, feeling those sapphire eyes drinking in the essence of my body felt almost as good as the kissing. I hurried along, pulling off my garter belt, my shoes stockings, and finally the last of my undergarments. My penis fell out of the panties, throbbing almost painfully, aching for stimulation. I began to move towards the bed when I looked down in horror at the thing between my legs. I was absolutely stunned, but there it was. A penis hung between my legs, stiff as a ramrod, the testicles beneath it hanging free. But it was a dream, after all. My moment of confusion passed. I didn't care. I was so turned on, I didn't care that I had suddenly sprouted one of those ugly little tools of men, the thing I had only seen twice in my life, once to suck on it, and once to look at it buried inside some gorgeous tramp.
I threw aside my thoughts as my quivering lover sat up on her elbows and pleaded with me to come to her, so I did. I crawled onto the bed, immediately feeling the heat radiating from her naked flesh. The sight of the throbbing member between my legs had made me think of the other her, the home wrecker in my home, fucking my husband, mocking me with her ecstasy.

 I suddenly felt a great measure of hostility towards her, even as my lust for her flamed ever higher. But bolstering both of these feelings, deep beneath them, living them up on massive, infinitely powerful arms was an overwhelming feeling of power. Power over this delicate, supple, gorgeous, treacherous thing squirming beneath me as I sucked on her pretty pink nipples. I was the man, now, wasn't I? I had the tool of men, the thing they lord over their women, brandish at them like a club, the one thing that they can never fully possess. This immaculate little whore was all mine, and I could do whatever I wanted to her because I had that power now. It was not simply enough to ravage her and feel the ecstasy I had longed after for so many years. I wanted to punish her now, to expend my rage on her as only a man could.

She was smiling at me, urging me on, telling me how good she felt. She was thrusting her hips at my member as I groped her breasts, trying desperately to get me to give her what she wanted. I stopped rolling those giant pillows around in my hand and grinned at her, a wicked grin. I felt a righteous satisfaction growing in me as I stared at her perfect mouth, her quivering, ample lips. I shifted, I crawled over her. She asked what I was doing, suddenly on guard. But she was a meek little Human, a little girl bred for dainty features and small stature, and I was an Elf, a foot taller than her, almost twice her weight, but possessing her same feminine beauty, excepting just one part of me now. She was powerless to stop me as I pinned her shoulders beneath my legs, felt her breasts give under me like cushions as I sat back.

I let my cock fall across her face, and looked down at her, swaying a bit to feel it rub against her soft skin. It was twice as big as my husband's, I could see it throbbing with desire, veins like ropes coiled around the bulging shaft. The whore opened her mouth and licked it, moving her head only as she could move nothing else with me pinning her down. Moans and low sounds of pleasure emanated from her as she ran her tongue all along the shaft, and up around the head. I was nearly stricken blind by the pleasure of it. I gripped my knees and tried not to cry out. Each stroke of her tongue shot through me like lightning, her hot breath felt like a cloud of satisfaction wrapping itself around my member, her moans sounded like the sweetest music in my ears. At last I could stand it no more, I shifted, drew myself up a bit. She sensed what I meant to do, and I stared down at her for a moment as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth in utter submission. Her glistening tongue waited like a grand carpet to receive me. My mouth watering, heart racing, my whole body feeling the excitement and anticipation, I took hold of my new organ and guided it to her mouth. Immediately her lips, wet and softer than anything I had ever felt in my life, closed tight around the head of my cock, and I nearly cried out again. Without any prompting from me, my hips were pushing forward, sliding it in deeper, the suppleness of her tongue, the tight grip of her lips as they enveloped my head and slipped along the shaft was almost too much. I felt like my member would explode at any moment. She tilted her head, urged me on, and I continued to push forward, my body trembling with pure sublime pleasure, my eyes closing out of sheer necessity. I felt the passage of her mouth narrow, grow tighter as I pushed now into her throat, but she did not gag or cry out. Of course not, why would a whore be revolted by her life's work? I felt my member bend sharply, but the slight pain was even more exhilarating. I opened my eyes and looked down at her, her sapphire jewels staring back at me as she strained to look up at me. Her mouth was as wide as it could be, her cheeks were puckered in as she sucked as had as she could, transforming her face into something long and strange but oddly beautiful. I pushed until her nose rested against my pelvis, my testicles resting on her chin. She looked up at me still for a few moments, then began to squirm just slightly, a small panic entering her gorgeous eyes. I only watched. Her face turned red and she began to struggle uselessly against my superior weight, my strength. I saw her eyes begin to roll up into the back of her head, and I pulled out quickly. A guttural cry came out of her as I pulled free, as if pulled up from deep inside of her by my deep probing. She gasped for air and made another noise. Before she had even fully recovered I shoved my member back into her mouth, looking down at her panicked eyes. This time I held it for only a moment, then began to pump in and out of her throat. Oh, this was pure ecstasy. My mind was utterly blank, only the wet, hot, slippery feeling of ravaging this poor girl beneath me existed. I paid no attention to the squishing noise of my thoroughly slobbered cock ravaging her tiny throat, I just rocked back and forth, feeling the change of pressure, the textures and contours of her mouth trapped helplessly around my member.

Finally, I looked down at her again, pulling my aching cock from her mouth and looking at her face, now covered with her slick saliva thickened into a white, bubbling paste from my thrusting. Her makeup was smeared about her eyes and lips, I watched the paste sliding slowly to her ears as she stared up at me panting heavily, her mouth still open as if frozen. She look at me with submission and naked want, and then the dream ended.

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